We are, in fact, the oldest web-based romance and romance erotica publisher. We have been in business since 1991, and sold erotica through mail-order from '91 through '98, at which point we moved to web-based publishing via a membership site model. We opened our first e-book store in 2001. We currently represent around 350 professional romance authors who have met the RWA minimum guidelines.
This comprehensive weekend event is open
to any unpublished, aspiring writer, blogger, jotter, dotter
and published authors in any genre.
Blushing Books and Lazy Day Publishing are hosting a writer's conference in the nation's capital this summer. Come mingle at the Marriott Gateway for four(ish) days of social events and workshop sessions that will surely add something to your arsenal.
Workshop sessions are being developed with your response in mind and will guarantee to be led by one third Blushing Books staff, one third experienced authors, and one third outside professionals.
Registering is easy! Individual registration forms are required from every writer, author, staff, fans, friends, family or otherwise implied interested party for any and all parts of the conference.
Head over to the Passionate Pen website for the itinerary, lodging or other information.
Contact Bella for questions you still have after perusing the site.
The conference is not only for the authors.
You've been reading them for months, maybe even years.
The Passionate Pen is offering readers and fans the opportunity to meet Blushing Books and Lazy Day authors!
You may also book your room at the Marriott Gateway (if you aren't their slumber party buddy) and stay the whole weekend at the same rate as the authors, with access to the events below.
Be part of the conference opening and welcome reception.
Tickets are $40 and include nibbles and a drink. Registration is required.
Sit at a table and eat breakfast with your favourite author, or visit a few tables. Either way, you can be up close and personal. They'll have some pretty lovely bits of swag, too.
Ticket are $40 and includes buffet breakfast. Registration required.